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Q1: Can I add solar and inverter to my tradie trailer?
Q2:Can I charge my tools on way to work in my Tradie Trailer King trailer?
Q3:Can I get water tank and tap with my Tradie Trailer King Tradie trailer?
Q4:Can I plug my trailer into 240v?
Q5:Can my trademan trailer fit in a fridge?
Q6:Do the Tradie Trailer King Tradie trailers come with internal lighting?
Q7:How high are the tradesman trailers?
Q8:How long are the trademan trailers?
Q9:How much is finance per week on the large and XL tradie trailers?
Q10:How wide are the tradie trailer king trailers?
Q11:What brakes do your tradesmans trailers have?
Q12:What do i need to have to be able to get finance on a tradie trailer king trailer?
Q13:What is the weight of each of the tradie trailers?
Q14:What size are the hatches in the tradie trailers?
Q15:What size batteries does my tradie trailer king trailer come with?
Q16:What size is the fridge slide in the tradie trailers?
Q17:What size rims and tyres does my tradie trailer king tradie trailer have?
Q1: Can I add solar and inverter to my tradie trailer?
Q2: Can I charge my tools on way to work in my Tradie Trailer King trailer?
Q3: Can I get water tank and tap with my Tradie Trailer King Tradie trailer?
Q4: Can I plug my trailer into 240v?
Q5: Can my trademan trailer fit in a fridge?
Q6: Do the Tradie Trailer King Tradie trailers come with internal lighting?
Q7: How high are the tradesman trailers?
Q8: How long are the trademan trailers?
Q9: How much is finance per week on the large and XL tradie trailers?
Q10: How wide are the tradie trailer king trailers?
Q11: What brakes do your tradesmans trailers have?
Q12: What do i need to have to be able to get finance on a tradie trailer king trailer?
Q13: What is the weight of each of the tradie trailers?
Q14: What size are the hatches in the tradie trailers?
Q15: What size batteries does my tradie trailer king trailer come with?
Q16: What size is the fridge slide in the tradie trailers?
Q17: What size rims and tyres does my tradie trailer king tradie trailer have?